Thursday, May 1, 2008
Praise the Lord!
God has been merciful and gracious and good to us as we have been looking for a job for James for the past 2 years. Every time we were discouraged He would have a church call for an interview or a school interested in him teaching Bible, which I felt was His way of reminding us that He had not forgotten about us and would bring the right job along in His perfect timing. We needed to trust in Him and wait. After waiting for 2 years, God showed us His lovingkindness and mercy by providing 2 great positions! One church was in Apex and the other church was in FL near Jacksonville. James had a 2nd interview at the church in Apex and it went really well. While we were waiting to hear back from them, the church in FL called and wanted to fly James down for an interview! A few days before he was to fly out, the church in Apex offered him the position! Since we had not yet been to a service we wanted to take time to visit the church and to pray about it. We also didn't want to write off the church in FL also. So, on Tuesday James flew down to FL and really liked the church and the pastor there. It was great to see the Lord provide not just one great church but two! It was hard to choose between the two churches but after much praying and talking we felt like the Lord was leading us to the church in Apex. It's called Salem Baptist and is about 30 mins. from where we live now in Raleigh. We know we don't deserve this position and are so thankful that the Lord has been gracious and merciful enough to provide it for us! Especially a position as great as this one! We wanted to thank all of you who have been praying for us and who have supported us through these last 2 years and all of the ups and downs of job hunting! We are so thankful for this position and are excited to see how God will use us at Salem! Please pray for us as we now start a new stage in our lives. That the Lord will give us wisdom and discernment as we start looking for a new place to live and especially for James as he starts his new job. I'll post up pictures of the church and a new place (once we find one)!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Fun With Sewing!
I finally learned how to sew (sort of)! Of course I picked the hardest fabric and a difficult project to start off with as my first sew project - curtains with sheer crinkled material. Sewing is so much harder than I realized. I had a really hard time sewing in a straight line! Below are the pics of my finished projects: 2 decorative towels and the bedroom curtains. I couldn't have done it without my wondeful mother-in-law! She is amazing on the sewing machine!

Monday, April 7, 2008
St. Aug's Part II
I went back to St. Augustine's College today to speak to another class. It pretty well today - I didn't even get nervous! The students that were presenting abortion did an awesome job! For part of their presentation, they handed out paper hearts that they had made. They told us to tear off a piece of the heart if we knew of a family member who had an abortion. Then they asked us to tear off another piece if we knew of a friend who had an abortion. I tore of pieces of my heart and as I looked around everyone's heart was torn. They then asked if anyone had a heart that was not torn. Only one guy raised his hand. I bet you that he does know someone who has had an abortion but that person had not told him or anyone. Statistics have shown that on college campuses 1 out of 3 sexually active college girls have had an abortion and it may even be as high as 1 out of 2!! While the students were watching a video today about abortion procedures, many of them were shocked at what actually happens. Many people do not realize what is exactly done in the procedure and what the consequences will be. Our post-abortion director said that people may not feel the psychological effects of abortion until years later! I think that if people knew the details of what the procedures are for an abortion and what the physical and psychological effects are, many of them would be pro-life and not choose abortion. That's why a place like Gateway exists. It's not to scare them into choosing life, we just educate them (not in grotesque details) about abortions and the physical and mental effects it may have on them. We lay out all of the cards on the table and give them all of their options to help them make and educated decision.
The professor of the class said that he will definately have us back next semester! Please pray for us at Gateway that the Lord will give us the words to say and wisdom how we can better reach out to and help college students.
The professor of the class said that he will definately have us back next semester! Please pray for us at Gateway that the Lord will give us the words to say and wisdom how we can better reach out to and help college students.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Mother-in-law in town!
My mother-in-law is coming into town early in the morning tomorrow! I am very excited to finally be able to spend some time with her. The only time she's been here is for our wedding and graduation. So, this will be her first real visit with us in Raleigh. I have great plans in store for us! I'm going to buy my first sewing machine tomorrow and she's going to teach me to sew! She is a sewing expert. I want to make curtains, pillow covers, chair covers, etc. (not all tomorrow!). Then James and I are going to take her to Hayes Barton Dessertery, which has the best desserts in Raleigh! They are closed Sunday-Tuesday because they make their desserts in house and from scratch! It's also very neat inside - very 30's-40's looking. So, I think mom will really enjoy it! I am so looking forward to tomorrow and the great fun we'll have!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
St. Augustine's College
Today I spoke at St. Augustine's College. It's primarily an African American school, so I stood out a little having bright white skin and red hair :-) It's an old private college that started in 1867. I really enjoyed seeing the old buildings. I love history and find myself wondering what life would be like back then and what the people were like. My co-worker and I had the opportunity to speak in an ethics class. The students have been preparing all semester for speeches on different issues like abortion, civil disobedience, etc. The professor had us sit right in the front of the class. While I was sitting there a guy diagonally behind me started swatting at my hair! Then the girl behind me started swatting at my hair too! Turns out a bug a flown in my hair and would not get out! I hate bugs so much and hate it even more when they are in my hair! I kept my composure though through the ordeal and thanked them so much for getting it out. Most people wouldn't say anything and just watch it crawl. So I am so very thankful that they were swatting my hair :-) After that, my co-worker went up and talked about abortion and life in the womb. The professor and students really appreciated us coming in and the professor even asked us to come back on Monday for another one of his classes! So, I told him I could come as long as I brought my mother-in-law since she'll be visiting :-) The students were so nice and treated us so well! I didn't even get that nervous!
I'll also be going into Ravenscroft School (my old job) and speak to my old kids about my job and what I do with out going into great detail. I am also attend a seminar where many other pro-life organizations will be speaking and handing out information at NC State on Thursday. I was telling James yesterday how great it feels to be in a job that I can put my whole self into. A job that I can get really excited about. I am really busy with this job but am enjoying all that I'm learning and doing. I am finally able to counsel and actively use my degrees!
I'll also be going into Ravenscroft School (my old job) and speak to my old kids about my job and what I do with out going into great detail. I am also attend a seminar where many other pro-life organizations will be speaking and handing out information at NC State on Thursday. I was telling James yesterday how great it feels to be in a job that I can put my whole self into. A job that I can get really excited about. I am really busy with this job but am enjoying all that I'm learning and doing. I am finally able to counsel and actively use my degrees!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Back at the Croft
Today I substituted at Ravenscroft School where I used to work before my new job. It was so great to see everyone again. I don't really miss the job, but I do miss the kids (most of them anyways). When I walked in, the kids (kindergarteners) swarmed around me like they were bees and I was a huge flower. They kept asking me where I've been and if I would stay forever. It's kind of difficult to tell them what my job is. I just tell them that work with women who are going to be moms. James said a lot of the kids told him that I was their favorite teacher (even though I don't work there anymore :-) ). I overheard one girl tell another "Mrs. Kendall is the awesomest!". Then after working with the kindergarteners, I got to go see my old kids, the 5th graders and middleschoolers. They squeezed me harder than the kindergarteners! They are so interested in what my new job is. They kept asking me questions about it and wanted to act like they were my clients. So we did a little role playing. They even stuffed pillows in their shirts and acted like they were coming to see me for an ultrasound :-) So, today put a big smile on my face to say the least!
Tommorrow I'll be speaking at St. Augustine's College in Raleigh. I will be going with our post abortion director to put a little plug in about Gateway. I am little nervous about speaking, but I know God will use me!
Tommorrow I'll be speaking at St. Augustine's College in Raleigh. I will be going with our post abortion director to put a little plug in about Gateway. I am little nervous about speaking, but I know God will use me!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
The Peanut Butter Cup Perfection has been perfected!
Icecream has to be one of my favorite things to eat! A couple of weeks ago my sweet hubby (who knows me very well) surprised me with my favorite dessert: a peanut butter cup perfection from ColdStone. It is made with choc. icecream, peanut butter, choc. syrup, and resee's cups. The name "perfection" is in it because it is perfect. It cannot be changed for the better, or so I thought. The peanut butter cup perfection has been perfected! You can now get it with Ghirardelli (sp?) choc. icecream, YUMMM! I am getting goose bumps as I am typing this :-) So, if you love choc. and peanut butter as much as I do (or even if you like it a little) you MUST go and try the peanut butter cup perfection with the Ghirardelli icecream. I think it is a taste of what heaven will be like.
starting a blog
I have heard many people talking about blogs and blogging and have even read a few of them. I have so many thoughts and opinions swirling around in my head that I decided to put them out on my own blog. So, this blog will have random things on it from my favorite recipes to my views of the psychology industry. I will also just post things that are happening in my life so that I can keep my friends and family updated with everything going on in my life. I'm so excited to have a spot of my own to let loose my thoughts, opinions, ides, etc. Watch out everyone!
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