Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Fun With Sewing!

I finally learned how to sew (sort of)! Of course I picked the hardest fabric and a difficult project to start off with as my first sew project - curtains with sheer crinkled material. Sewing is so much harder than I realized. I had a really hard time sewing in a straight line! Below are the pics of my finished projects: 2 decorative towels and the bedroom curtains. I couldn't have done it without my wondeful mother-in-law! She is amazing on the sewing machine!


Jenn said...

You did great! You have to start somewhere, and it looks like you picked some good projects for your first time. I love the towels!

Annelise & Ethan said...

Great Job Tem! You should come up here and make me some curtains too :)

I have tried sewing before but it has been awhile. The two hour projects would take me more like 12 hours :(

MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

I sew!!!! How exciting! We are going to have to talk, gf! Check out my blog to see some of my latest creations.

Fabric rules!

Maria Lai said...

Wow, great job, Temarie! I love to sew too, but haven't had time.

I was reading Amy's blog and saw your comment and link. Good to see you on here, I should pick up blogging again! =)