We were little nervous moving into our first house after hearing so many horrible neighbor stories and praying that the Lord would bless us with some great neighbors. There are definitely some neighbors that live down the road that are not too neighborly, but we are so blessed that the people we have surrounding us are some of the best people on the planet which is so rare! Seriously! I'll have to introduce you to all of them some time! One such set of neighbors are Scott and Stacy that live directly in front of our house. They are around our age and have been married for about as long as we have. They are one of the sweetest and most sacrificial couples you'll meet, and they are believers! For over a year now, Scott has been doing civilian work for the military over seas. He will be gone for about a year and a half, so they just gave him two weeks off. Scott and Stacy went to meet up in Jamaica for 2 weeks and then he was going to go back to work overseas, but they came back to the US a little early to surprise friends and family. So, last night we got together like old times playing one of our favotie games - Settlers of Cataan. If you do not own this game - you must! It will be one of the most fun games you will ever played! We were introduced to it by some good friends then we had to buy it. Then we introduced it to Scott and Stacy and then they had to buy it. Then we introudced it to James' family and now they own it, and we play every time we see them :-) See how fun it must be? One of the negative things about Settlers is that you have to play with 4 players. So, James and I rarely get to play and were so excited to be able to play again last night and play with our sweet neighbors. Afterwards, we had fun with poker, which we haven't play in several years! I will be sad whenever we leave this neighborhood or if one of our neighbors leaves. It will be hard to replace them!
Scott and Stacy |
Stacy's poker face |
James' poker face |
My chips by the end of the game :-) |
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