Saturday was the St.Baldrick's Saved and Shaved event that we told you about a couple of months ago. It is an fundraiser that is used to raise money for cancer research. There are shavees who voluntarily have their heads shaved at the event and donors who will donate money to the shavees/organization to have the heads shaved. Each shavee must raise their own support, which is why we asked for your help. Many people from our church attended the event on Saturday and many men from our church head their heads shaved. Our church helped make this particular event the 4th largest St. Baldrick's Saved and Shaved event ever in NC! Can I just say how amazing my church is? We are so very blessed to be a part of a church family that genuinely cares about people and will do anything to help anyone in need! The people who attend our church are some of the most amazing and self-sacrificing people I have ever met! They helped raise over $40,000 for this event! The total amount raised for this particular event was around $70,000! That is $70,000 that will be used to help find a cure for cancer.
We heard about this event through a little boy in our church named Cameron who is 9 years old who has been battling cancer for over 3 years. He has accomplished so much in his life! He has helped raise so much money for cancer research in his short life already. He is one of the most amazing little boys I have ever met! He is so strong and courageous! When you meet him, you can't but help to see Christ reflected in his attitude and demeanor. All of the men came out to raise support in honor of Cameron. It was such a great day for the event - it was bright and sunny and no rain (it has been storming here almost every day!). Some of the men who shaved their heads made some great sacrifices because they really loved their hair! There were even 3 women who had their heads shaved. One of them being Cameron's grandmother.When it was James' turn to get his head shaved, the DJ tried to raise more support since James was not able to raise that much. He suggested that James shave his eyebrows if people would donate more money! Everyone shouted "NO!". Many people around me said that he should not get his eyebrows shaved, because they probably would not grow back right. So, everyone started to give money and chanting, "Save the eyebrows!" They were able to raise enough, so the eyebrows are safe and I am so thankful :-)
Here are a few pictures from the event!
James starting to get it all shaved off! |
His sweet hair stylist, Susan, volunteered her time to help shave! |
Pre-shaved picture of the group |
Post-shaved picture. They all look so great! |
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